Things to do before the moving truck arrives

So, you have selected the best professional movers in Chicago. You have already packed all your stuff into boxes, or perhaps have hired the best packing services Chicago to do it for you. There is already a schedule for the moving services to come, and you have your road trip planned. Everything is ready, and now the moving day is finally here. We’ve already said about how stressful the whole moving process can be. Even in a crowded city like Chicago, there are always things to do. But, if you have done your job right, and have everything arrange, you may find yourself sitting on the front step of your home, waiting for the truck and asking what comes next. Well, if that is the case, instead of laying there doing nothing, there are certain things to do before the moving truck arrives. Here is a helpful checklist.

1. Make one last check up

You might have everything ready for the moving day. But one advice we give you before the moving truck arrives is to take a last walk through your house to check on every room, closet, cabinet and so on.

We, as humans, may forget certain things, so it is better to make sure you are not forgetting or leaving something in a box that is placed in a closed room. You need to make sure everything is placed where the moving services Chicago can find it.

Furthermore, you can also take a quick look at the bathroom and make sure that there is toilet paper, a hand towel and hand soap. All these just like a courtesy for the moving team and also the new owners.

Things to do before the moving truck arrives make one last check up

2. Clear space for the movers

Another thing you can do is to think about your movers. They will come and do the best job they can. But they also need, for example, a place to pack their moving truck. Make sure to provide one. If possible, it should be a long space, with the rear of the truck pointing toward your home. On the other hand, if you live in a parking-space controlled community, you can book a row of single spaces for the day of the moving. Likewise, you need to also provide them space inside your house. Clear any obstacles out, so they can perform their job quick and without the risk of harming themselves.

3. Arrange the snacks

Things to do before the moving truck arrives snacks

On previous days of the moving time, you might have cleared your fridge with the food you want to take to your new place, and the food you might throw. So, now you can think to fill your fridge with refreshments for the moving day. You can choose to buy soda or bottle water and even some snacks.

Why so? Well, it can be a nice gesture for your moving professional movers in Chicago. Take in mind that they will be working hard to not ruin anything at your house, and there are a lot of things for them to move. Of course, this is not mandatory, but we can assure you that it will be well-received and appreciated.

4. Pack your car

One of the last things you need to do before the moving truck arrives is to make sure that your personal transport is packed and ready to leave. When the moving team finishes with their job, you might also depart from the place to your new destination. So, check if everything is ready with the car, like the gas and oil levels. Likewise, you need to packed everything in your car that you might need for the trip. Any food, plants, pets, overnight bag, snacks, take it with you in the car.

5. Read carefully

Another thing you can do while waiting for the moving van to arrive is to read carefully and examine your moving agreement and documentation. Sometimes, there might be some things you might be missing.

So, now is the time to check all the paper the moving service company gave you. In this agreement, they will specify what movers can move, and what they cannot. Among these things, like houseplants, or something that can explode, you need to keep an eye.

Once you realized about this stuff, you should better make a plan on bringing them with you. It is better to be sure about everything that the moving company is allowed to do.

Things to do before the moving truck arrives read carefully

There might even be some Chicago Moving Parking Permit they have, that you should be aware of. Don’t forget to check if they have a Chicago moving van parking permit, if that is what is concerning you. Then, if you still have any kind of doubts, don’t be shy and call them. If it is a good moving company, they will gladly answer your questions.

6. Set aside things you won’t move

So, this is an important factor. Your movers need to be clear about the things they will be moving and what they won’t. Among their services, once they get to your place, they will start packing everything and putting it into the moving truck. What if they packed something they shouldn’t? To avoid any kind of confusion, you need to sort things out. It will be better if you put all the items they don’t need to take into a separate room. Among this stuff, you can include, important documents, keys, essential electronic devices, and so on. All the things you have better considered taking in with you in your car. Or, they might be some things like furniture that will stay at home. Ease a little bit of the work for your movers, and have everything ready for a smoother moving process.

Ready to move?

Once you have taken care of everything, you just need to wait for the moving truck to arrive. Actually, you might realize you fast the time goes. So, it is better to occupy your time productively. You’ll be ready for the move and everything will run smoothly. We assure you that!